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Defense Verdict

Daniel Santaniello and William Peterfriend obtained a defense verdict on March 7, 2007 for a vehicular liability case when the Jury found that the Defendant Ms. Naso was not the legal cause of loss, injury or damage to the Plaintiff. Plaintiff filed suit alleging that on September 29, 2003 the Defendant violated a stop sign on Commerce Parkway. Defendant admitted liability, but alleged that the accident was not the legal cause of loss, injury or damage to Plaintiff. Plaintiff claimed that as a result of the subject accident, she sustained permanent injuries to her lower back. Plaintiff also alleged to have suffered injuries to her neck, left arm, left knee and left thigh. Plaintiff maintained that the injury in her back was permanent and left her unable to enjoy life and severely limited her future earning capacity as a Chemist. Plaintiff was first treated in the Emergency Room which documented an injury to the back and left knee, with severe bruising and evidence of trauma.

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